The Barrington Area Development Council (BADC) is a not-for-profit civic organization with a long history of sponsoring initiatives and organizations that have benefited the Barrington Area community, including CPR Training, the Bikeways Commission, the District 220 Caucus, Barrington BloodLine, the Holiday Wish List, the Leadership Academy, and the Citizen of the Year Award. In addition, BADC was the founding organization of the Barrington Area Council of Governments (BACOG) in the 1970s, and a catalyst participating in the formation of renowned groups such as the Barrington Area Council on Aging (BACOA) and Citizens for Conservation (CFC). More recently, BADC has participated as a founding co-sponsor of H.E.R.E. in Barrington – the Mental Health Awareness Coalition of Teens, Parents, and Community Leaders in the Barrington Area.

Barrington Area Development Council (BADC)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 72, Barrington, IL 60011
Phone: 847-382-HELP (4357)

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